Adding Flowering Trees to Your Landscaping

flowering purple tree in backyard

Trees are an important part of every landscape, providing shade, beauty, and a home for wildlife. But not all trees are created equal. If you’re looking to add a little color to your yard, consider planting a flowering tree.  Deciding on Deciduous When designing a space, adding a little something special makes all the difference. […]

Hardscaping in Your Utah Yard

firepit in stone patio area

Whether you want a low-maintenance yard or one with a variety of materials for visual interest, hardscaping is a great addition to any Utah landscape. Cottonwood Landscapes can provide you with design ideas and professional installation for whatever purpose you want your outdoor space to serve. Ideas for Hardscaping  Contrary to popular belief, hardscaping doesn’t […]

Beautifying a Backyard Swing Set with Creative Landscaping ideas

landscaped yard with trees and swing set

One of the great things about having a swingset in your backyard is that it provides an opportunity to get creative with your landscaping. With a little bit of planning, you can create a space that is both functional and visually appealing. Here are some tips from Cottonwood Landscapes to get you started. Incorporate Flowers […]

Why Professional Landscaping is a Must for Your Backyard

beautifully landscaped backyard patio

When it comes to backyard design, many homeowners feel like they can take on the project themselves. After all, it’s just a backyard, right? Wrong! A well-designed backyard is an extension of your home and should be treated as such. Professional landscaping can help you create a backyard that is not only beautiful but also […]

Water Features to Use in Landscaping

When you picture water features, does your mind immediately go to statues of cherubs or gargoyles spilling water from their mouths? Whether that’s your style or not, there is more to using water as a design element in your landscaping. Types of Water Features We Offer At Cottonwood Landscapes, we want to work with you […]

Landscape Design Ideas for Utah Yards

Landscape design

In Utah, we experience all our seasons to the fullest! As a result, it can be tricky to pick the right landscape designs that will survive dry, hot summers and cold, snowy winters. Luckily, Cottonwood Landscapes has years of experience designing outdoor spaces to incorporate a variety of vegetation, hardscapes, and water features so your […]

2022 Landscape Design Trends for Your Backyard

designed landscape with plants

While experimental gardening is now quite popular, some of the most popular landscaping styles to emerge in 2022 include an emphasis on the environment, natural animal gardens, and kitchen gardens, all of which tie into one common topic this year: sustainability. So, if you want to preserve your yard while making maintenance easier and more […]

Is a Pool Right for Your Yard?

pool in backyard

Lots of us have been making improvements to our homes and yards the last couple of years. So, you may be asking yourself if your yard is right for a pool. The experts at Cottonwood Landscapes can help you with your yard design to determine if a pool is right for your yard. Things to […]

Like a Watered Garden: Using Plants to Spruce Up Your Landscaping

Beautifully landscaped yard with plants and green grass.

Look Back, Looking Forward Another year has come to an end, and with it the traditional emerald elegance of Utah’s summer landscaping. Now that winter is here and the ground is covered in frost, we can spend some time thinking about how we want to upgrade our yard design once the ground thaws and the […]

Making the Most of Small Spaces

beautiful backyard landscaping

Small is Definitely Big Right Now We all might daydream of owning an enormous home with a yard design fit for the trades but the truth is that most of us will have to make do with a much smaller space. This isn’t so bad, however, as the popularity of micro-homes has skyrocketed in recent […]