Eat Your Heart Out, Tom Sawyer: Fences Done Right

High-quality brick and wood fence

We all remember the iconic moment from Mark Twain’s Tom Sawyer: Tom has been tasked by his Aunt Polly to whitewash a fence as punishment for his childishness. Naturally, Tom would rather skip out on the chore and go play, instead. Thanks to the spectacle that he’s made of himself in the neighborhood, other boys have taken notice that Tom has been given this unbearable chore and choose to make fun of him for it. In the end, Tom uses his silver tongue and uncanny wit to get the other boys to paint the fence while he goes to play.

Take Back Your Weekend

In the real world, it can be disheartening to see all the landscaping work that needs to be done on our property, either for necessity or to improve the aesthetics, and not feel like our playtime is being robbed. For the relatively few among us who enjoy manual labor, this is no issue, but for everyone else, weekends spent digging, hauling, hammering, and painting are not a great use of one’s time off.

At Cottonwood Landscapes, we think you deserve to go play. 

So much about achieving the best for one’s yard design is finding a team of professionals that you can trust. But how is it done? Here are some guidelines:

  • Experience: Statistically, most landscaping mistakes that lead to dissatisfied customers happen within the first three years of a company’s lifespan. Not only do established crews have a defter touch when it comes to installing a deck or laying down flagstone, but they also mentor younger members to ensure fewer mistakes in their early career.
  • Diversity of Services: Experienced companies that confidently offer a wide range of services are really saying one thing to their prospective clients: we’ve seen it all. Installing your fence should be another day at the office for this team, instead of “an event.” Their confidence should inspire you.
  • A Good Reputation: In landscaping, word of mouth means everything. When we finally find a good yard design architect, as with a good plumber, we want to tell the world. At Cottonwood Landscapes, we will do anything to earn that level of trust.

Building Better Fences

When meeting with our team about your future fence or retaining wall, there are a few essential criteria to cover: design, functionality, and quality. Whether you are planning on just putting up a railing for your outdoor deck stairs or a full wrap-around barrier to the yard, we have the expertise to make it safe while also falling in step with the rest of your yard’s aesthetic. 

Our team specializes in:

  • All sorts of materials, from stone, to wood, to vinyl, and more
  • Pool enclosures
  • Pet fences for everything from dogs to chickens
  • Installing outdoor lighting on your fence or wall
  • And more

Fences don’t just have to be for security; with Cottonwood Landscapes, they can be beautiful as well. By hiring a team of experienced professionals, you will have bought yourself peace of mind and a chance to use that time for something more fun. Call us today for a free consultation and let’s get started on putting up that fence.

Cottonwood Landscapes is your source for premier landscaping in Utah.

Check out our full list of services and get started on the project of your dreams today.

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