Considerations before Adding a Water Feature
Here at Cottonwood Landscaping, we’ve installed a lot of water features into beautiful landscapes. A water feature can add an extra element to your yard, elevating the overall effect to increase the soothing effect of the greenery. It can change an average yard into something extraordinary, and turn your yard into an oasis.
Utah’s Best Blossoms
Spring blossoms are the first signs of warmer days ahead. And after a long winter, they’re a welcome sight. Do you have any beautiful flowering plants in your yard? Bulbs are usually some of the first flowers out of the ground. However, you might have noticed that certain flowering trees and shrubs usually blossom before […]
Backyard Party Ideas for your Kids This Summer

As the snow is melting and we are all getting our yards back from the clutches of winter, it is a great time of year to plan all of the exciting things that we have planned for the warmer months. In particular, as it warms up, it is a great time to start thinking about […]
Most Popular Gardening Trends for 2017

The plants are hibernating under the ground, and you’re no longer spending time out in the yard planting, harvesting, and weeding. However, that doesn’t mean that your green thumb is wholly at rest. In the wake of New Year’s resolutions, and with time to strategize before planting season, January is the perfect month to plan […]
Make Your Own Holiday Wreath

Nothing is more festive than a holiday wreath, hung on a door or window to welcome in visitors. If you’re looking for a fun homemade project this year, consider making your own wreath to save on money and create a homespun holiday twist. What’s the History of Christmas Wreaths? Traditionally, Yuletide was celebrated around the […]
Ideas for a Festive Front Yard
Now that we’ve hit the middle of November, all of us are starting to feel the telltale bite in the air that signals the Holiday season. Whether you’re someone who insists on waiting until after Thanksgiving to erect the Christmas decorations, or you want to get in the spirit of the holiday as soon as […]
Get Your Fountain Ready for Winter
Your beautiful water feature adds a feeling of holiday and oasis to your yard, especially during the blazing summer months. However, during the winter, it will need special care.