How To Make Your Yard More Appealing Than Video Games

Girl doing a cartwheel in the yard

Close your eyes and think of some of your favorite childhood summer memories. Where do they take place? For most of us, the prime location for summer fun was our own backyard!

But nowadays, it can be a challenge to get kids unplugged and outside. So how can you make your own backyard more appealing than video games this summer? Here are some ideas:

Kids Games Need Wide-Open Spaces

One of the primary jobs of a kid-friendly yard is to simply provide a wide-open space for games. Think about it: freeze tag just doesn’t work with a bunch of obstacles in the way. Make sure that your yard features a nice open lawn, free from impediments. Think of it as the board that the players can move about freely on. Is your yard is sloped or uneven? Consider tiers or retaining walls to even out the main area. Bordering the edges with shrubs or walls will keep the precipices safe.

Variety Sparks the Imagination

While space is essential for a game in full swing, variety is often the catalyst for imaginative playacting. So don’t shy away from having some features in your yard. They’ll probably become an integral part of your children’s favorite games. Features can range from a larger landscaping project like a gazebo or rock garden, to creative playzones you can create yourself.

Fun Plants Get Your Kids Involved with Nature

Your choice in plants can be a huge factor in bringing kids outside. Don’t believe us? Take a good look at a snapdragon, or feel lamb’s ear. Edible plants like grapes add functionality and fun. And then there are giant sunflowers, which shoot up so fast you can see the difference each day. Kids will love watching them grow!

Run a Safety Checklist

If you plan to have kids running around your yard, do a safety scan first. If there are hazards, you can be sure that rambunctious kids will find them! Use this checklist as a starting point:

  • Sheds and structures are in good repair and free of pests, spiders, and exposed nails
  • Sprinklers function properly and aren’t left sticking up out of the lawn when kids are playing
  • Outdoor lighting is sufficient for when games go late into the night

Call Us If It’s Time to Redesign Your Yard

If your yard needs a makeover before it’s ready for summer fun, give us a call. We can help you create a yard that’s downright irresistible to kids!

Cottonwood Landscapes is your source for premier landscaping in Utah.

Check out our full list of services and get started on the project of your dreams today.

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