Shrub and Bush Planting

Little shrub balls on grassBushes and shrubs are able to help define the shape and feel of a yard. Shrubbery is able to naturally cool your yard, prevents runoff water, improves the air that we breathe, houses wildlife, and even improves the value of our property. Shrubs also contribute to energy savings for homeowners. For example, placing shrubs on the exterior of your home reduces the direct sunlight on your home, which means that less heat is being transferred to the inside of your home. On top of all of this, they add a natural aesthetic to a yard that is relaxing and makes us enjoy the outside of our homes a little more.

Knowing where to put your shrubs and bushes

When it comes to planting and arranging the shrubs in your yard, it takes a caring and precise hand to do it upright. Our team is experienced in planting shrubs to match the aesthetic beauty of a yard, which allows them to accent other amenities on your property, such as pergolas or trees. We also have the knowledge of where planting certain shrubs will best lower the temperature in your yard to keep it cool and nice to relax in.

Bush and shrub care

After bushes and shrubs are planted and arranged properly, they need a certain amount of care to remain healthy and beautiful. If shrubs are left to their own devices, they can take over the natural flow of a yard and look chaotic. On the other hand, they can wither and look deathly, which we’d venture to say is a look that most don’t find attractive. besides installation, Cottonwood Landscapes offers maintenance for bushes and shrubs, in addition to trees, lawns, and other amenities.

Bush and shrub removal

Eventually, the plans for your property might change to the point where there are bushes and shrubs in places that you don’t want them. Or maybe these plants are just so unhealthy that there is no point in bringing them back. In these cases, our team can quickly and efficiently remove bushes and shrubs so that you can have your yard back and can decide what sort of landscaping you want for the future. Find us in West Jordan, Utah.